Generally, we are afraid of death. Barring a few enlightened men, no one wants to leave the body. Why such fear of death? In old age, the body becomes dilapidated, yet they desperately cling to it. They consider the death of the body as the end of their existence. We are a country with a continuous and uninterrupted tradition of the sages and enlightened masters. Still, it seems we have learned nothing. We don’t understand that life and death are two sides of the same coin. Would you be happy if you were given the boon of immortality? No, life will become hell.

Life is made of contradictions. When the sun rises, darkness is removed. For this, we show our gratitude to the sun by offering water and doing Surya Namaskara. But if there is no darkness, why would there be a need for light? Both are complementary to each other. When we get tired after working all day, the body needs rest. So darkness descends to give us rest, silence. If the sun rays fall directly on the face, can we sleep soundly? Not at all. Many people live a very long life. Their body becomes dilapidated, the body parts cease to function, they become completely dependent and then they pray for death. Yet they die with thousands of unfulfilled desires.

So death is a possibility to revive life. You will be born again, you will become an energetic youth and probably do something worthwhile that life wants you to do. In the meantime, perhaps the unsatisfied desires of the previous life may also be fulfilled and thousands of new desires may also be born. But all these possibilities are there only when you will attain death.

Life and death are two opposite poles for you. But they are allies. Like if we don’t have two wings, we can’t fly and we can’t walk if we don’t have two legs. So life and death are the two legs of existence.

Yet we have a terrible fear of death. Because those who still have a lust for life, and a burning desire to enjoy worldly things, fear death most. If the craving is too deep, then so will the fear and panic. Therefore, the more a man is eager for life, the more that man is trembling with death. He sees death approaching every moment.

The truth of life is death. Life does not lead anywhere other than death. But one who has come to know the truth of death, who is ready to welcome it, gets to know the greatest mystery of life. That’s why sages experience life. Those who lust for worldly things, experience only death.

It may seem counterintuitive. A hedonist is craving for life but finds death is staring at him. The yogi renounces life, desires, and he is rewarded with eternal bliss. This is the law of existence. You walk towards life, you reach death. You walk towards death and you will find immortality.

Hence the famous saying of Jesus – He who saves himself will perish, and he who is ready to destroy himself is saved.

That is why the name of the ultimate state of meditation is samadhi. When an enlightened person dies, we say that he has taken samadhi. The ultimate state of meditation is also called samadhi. Why? Because death happens in both. In that ultimate state of meditation one encounters the truth of life and death. The living and the dead are separated. We have called such enlightened men as Paramhansa. Because Paramhansa means one who separates milk and water. Such is the body and consciousness; intertwined with each other. When the meditation becomes intense, the witnessing becomes strong, then you will also understand the truth of life and death.
